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学术报告    Ground state 23Na40K molecules in an optical lattice

【报告题目】 Ground state 23Na40K molecules in an optical lattice
【报 告 人】 Dr. Xinyu Luo
              Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Garching, 85748, Germany
【时 间】 2017-12-26     星期二 14:00
【地 点】 北园物理楼106


Ultracold polar molecular gases, promising strong electric dipole-dipole interaction and a long lifetime in a 3D optical lattice, are good candidates for investigating many-body physics with long-range interactions. In this talk, I will report the progress of ultracold 23Na40K molecule experiments in Munich. We successfully produced rovibrational ground state 23Na40K molecules by a detuned STIRAP. We observe a two-body collisional loss of the ground state 23Na40K molecule although the collision is chemical stable, which is probably due to the sticky collision between molecules. I will also discuss the preliminary results of microwave manipulation of rotational states of 23Na40K molecule in a 1D optical lattice. These results pave the way to make degenerate polar molecular gas in optical lattice for quantum simulation.






09/2007-07/2013 Ph.D. in condensed matter physics, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences 


Thesis “Building of 87Rb single chamber BEC apparatus and detuning asymmetry of matter-wave superradiance” 

Advisor: A. Prof. Ruquan Wang 


09/2003-07/2007 B.S. in applied physics, Harbin Institute of Technology 


Thesis “Phase filtering effect in nonlinear-imaging-technique based on a 4f coherent 

imaging system” 

Advisor: Prof. Xueru Zhang 


Research Experiences 


08/2016-present Postdoctor In the group of Prof. Immanuel Bloch, Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik 

Preparing low entropy ground state NaK molecules in an optical lattice 


07/2013-06/2016 Postdoctor In the group of Prof. Li You, Tsinghua University 

? Leading the experiment on deterministic creation of a 87Rb atom condensate in twin-Fock state 

? Demonstrated synthetic atomic spin orbit coupling using gradient magnetic field 

? Proposed generating magnetic lattice for ultracold atoms using gradient magnetic field 

? Assisted in the construction of a 87Rb atom BEC apparatus 


09/2007-07/2013 Ph. D. student in A. Prof. Ruquan Wang’s Laboratory, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences 

? Observed detuning asymmetry of matter-wave superradiance 

? Studied photoassisted collisions on superradiant light scattering from an atomic BEC 

? Built a single chamber 87Rb BEC apparatus with magnetic transporter. 


09/2003-07/2007 Undergraduate student in Department of Physics, Harbin Institute of Technology 

? Modeled the phase filtering in nonlinear-imaging technique with a phase object 


【邀请人】 XXX 教授 电话:6251XXXX